Thursday, May 9, 2013

Deck Building Continues

After jacking up the deck last year and installing new footings and supports, the O'Halloran's decided to have VT PRO go one step further and build them new seating and railings.  Without completely tearing apart the deck we were able to use the supports from the old seating and design a new railing and seating system that fit the house.

Thanks O'Hallorans always a pleasure working with you. 


  1. It’s pretty amazing that you were still able to put a seating around this little space of the deck. I like how you were able to make it look like a functional outdoor space. This is the seating design that I want for our deck. It’s beautiful. Well done! #Leah Clay

  2. Thanks for the information. I am currently in the planning stage of a very ambitious remodeling and re landscaping project for my back yard. I have a grand vision of a deck that connects to the 2nd floor of my house and has an outdoor spiral staircase leading to the ground level. Anyway, I'm researching some building material and methods online in order to plan my starting point. Do you suggest real wood, or some other material?
